- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Explained: What to Know
- Pectoralis Minor: Muscle Tightness and Relief
- Hula Hoop Workout for Fitness and Fun
- Walking Backward for Improved Balance and Gait
- Bicycle Stationary Conversion to Stay Fit at Home
- Weight Resistance Training Improves Sleep and Recovery
- Scaphoid Fracture After a Fall: What to Know
- The Peroneal Tendon and Its Importance in Mobility
- Achieve Balance and Strength with Push-Pull Workouts
- Managing Rotator Cuff Pain: Physical Therapy and Alternatives
The Types of Neuropathy Caused by Diabetes
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, approximately 29 million type 2 diabetes cases have…
Wellness Overview: Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Each year, cases of liver disease developing without the instance alcohol abuse are increasing throughout the…
How to Prevent and Reverse Obesity and Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes in the United States has tripled since the 1980’s, where researchers have estimated that one…
Dementia: Is Gluten to Blame? « In the Spotlight
Medscape’s Dr. Bret Stetka spoke with Dr. David Perlmutter, author of Grain Brain: The Surprising Truth About…
Auto Accidents: Neck Pain & Whiplash!
Does Neck Curvature Protect You In a Car Accident?Does the curvature of your cervical spine play a determinant in…
Wellness Tip: Gluten Sensitivity Linked to Neuropathy
Peripheral neuropathy is a condition which occurs due to nerve damage in the arms, legs, hands and feet. Common…
Chiropractic: More Than Just A Spinal Adjustment!
7 Reasons Chiropractic is More Than About Back PainAs Chiropractors we know the benefits of being under…
Tired of Medication! Chiropractic Can Help!
Chiropractic Alternative to NSAIDs for Back PainArlington, Va.–People suffering from back pain should…
Common Neurotoxins and their Effects on the Body
Neurotoxins are substances which can interfere with nerve cells by overstimulating them to death or interrupting…