- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Explained: What to Know
- Pectoralis Minor: Muscle Tightness and Relief
- Hula Hoop Workout for Fitness and Fun
- Walking Backward for Improved Balance and Gait
- Bicycle Stationary Conversion to Stay Fit at Home
- Weight Resistance Training Improves Sleep and Recovery
- Scaphoid Fracture After a Fall: What to Know
- The Peroneal Tendon and Its Importance in Mobility
- Achieve Balance and Strength with Push-Pull Workouts
- Managing Rotator Cuff Pain: Physical Therapy and Alternatives
Variations Of The MET Technique For Muscle Pain
The various muscle groups in the body allow the host to move around and function through many actions…
Shoulder Nerve Pain: EP’s Functional Chiropractic Center
An acute injury or changes to the upper body over time can cause a compressed/pinched nerve in the shoulder. A…
Vision Problems Could Be Cause of Neck Pain and Headaches
Shoulder and neck discomfort, pain, and headaches could be caused by vision problems and eye strain that require…
Motorcycle Crash Injury Rehab: EP’s Chiropractic Center
Injuries after a motorcycle crash include contusions, skin abrasions, soft tissue injuries to tendons, ligaments,…
Sleep Affects Gut Health: EP’s Functional Chiropractic Center
Viruses, bacteria, fungi, and protozoa are the microorganisms that naturally live in the digestive tract. Sleep…
Groin Strain & The MET Technique
The muscles surrounding the hips in the lower extremities provide stability to the lumbar spine and…
Peroneal Nerve Injury: EP’s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Team
A peroneal nerve injury/peroneal neuropathy can be caused by direct trauma to the outer knee with symptoms and…
Using Massage to Increase Temperature and Improve Circulation
Massage is part of integrative medicine and can be used for various medical conditions. In massage therapy, a…
Spring Allergy Tips: EP’s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Team
Spring allergies are reactions by an individual's immune system to flowering buds, blooming trees, pet dander,…