- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Explained: What to Know
- Pectoralis Minor: Muscle Tightness and Relief
- Hula Hoop Workout for Fitness and Fun
- Walking Backward for Improved Balance and Gait
- Bicycle Stationary Conversion to Stay Fit at Home
- Weight Resistance Training Improves Sleep and Recovery
- Scaphoid Fracture After a Fall: What to Know
- The Peroneal Tendon and Its Importance in Mobility
- Achieve Balance and Strength with Push-Pull Workouts
- Managing Rotator Cuff Pain: Physical Therapy and Alternatives
Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome: Causes and Solutions
Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome is a medical condition that causes lightheadedness and palpitations after…
Take a Break From Working Out: Tips For Lasting Fitness & Health
For athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and individuals getting into regular exercise, can taking a workout break be…
Supercharge Your Health with Sunflower Seeds
For individuals looking for a quick healthy snack, can adding sunflower seeds to one's diet provide health…
Navigating Chronic Tension Headaches: Tips and Advice
For individuals affected by headaches that occur 15 or more days a month for more than three months, can knowing…
Spinal Synovial Cysts: Causes, Symptoms & Treatments Explained
Individuals that have gone through a back injury may develop a synovial spinal cyst as a way to protect the spine…
Discover the Benefits of Jalapeño Peppers
For individuals looking to spice up their diet, can jalapeño peppers provide nutrition, and be a good source of…
Find Relief From Back Pain & Improve Focus with Stand Desks
For individuals working at a desk or work station where the majority of the work is done in a sitting position and…
Using Kinesiology Tape for Neck & Shoulder Trigger Point Relief
Individuals with neck and shoulder pain may experience what feels like tightened lumps or knots in and around the…
Strengthening Gluteus Minimus Muscles
For individuals experiencing gluteus minimus pain and are unsure where to start to deal with it, can a physical…