- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Explained: What to Know
- Pectoralis Minor: Muscle Tightness and Relief
- Hula Hoop Workout for Fitness and Fun
- Walking Backward for Improved Balance and Gait
- Bicycle Stationary Conversion to Stay Fit at Home
- Weight Resistance Training Improves Sleep and Recovery
- Scaphoid Fracture After a Fall: What to Know
- The Peroneal Tendon and Its Importance in Mobility
- Achieve Balance and Strength with Push-Pull Workouts
- Managing Rotator Cuff Pain: Physical Therapy and Alternatives
The Types and Causes of Neuropathy
Neuropathy affects about 8 percent of people over age 55. Your nervous system consists of two parts: the central…
The Correlation of Neuropathy and Chronic Pain
Neuropathy is medically characterized as a form of chronic pain which may commonly result from damage to or…
Sciatica: Sciatic Nerve Pain
Sciatica is best characterized as the common symptoms of pain and discomfort in the backs of the legs. This painful…
What Should You Eat To Heal a Leaky Gut?
If you are concerned that you may have, or could develop, a leaky gut, then changing your diet to one that protects…
Healing Leaky Gut Syndrome for Good Health
Leaky gut is a condition affecting the lining of the intestines, creating a dysfunctional environment for proper…
Asking Experts About Leaky Gut Syndrome
Leaky gut syndrome is not generally recognized by conventional physicians, but evidence is accumulating that it is…
What is Leaky Gut Syndrome?
Because it is something of a mystery disease that can show itself as a bewildering array of other conditions, you…
Can Gut Bacteria Unlocking Rheumatoid Arthritis?
“Gut health plays a role in RA” sounds like the title of an episode of Dr. Oz. In fact, an episode discussing just…
Fix Leaky Gut & Alleviate Rheumatoid Arthritis
RA is an autoimmune condition that is more commonly experienced by females and is thought to occur or result from a…