- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Explained: What to Know
- Pectoralis Minor: Muscle Tightness and Relief
- Hula Hoop Workout for Fitness and Fun
- Walking Backward for Improved Balance and Gait
- Bicycle Stationary Conversion to Stay Fit at Home
- Weight Resistance Training Improves Sleep and Recovery
- Scaphoid Fracture After a Fall: What to Know
- The Peroneal Tendon and Its Importance in Mobility
- Achieve Balance and Strength with Push-Pull Workouts
- Managing Rotator Cuff Pain: Physical Therapy and Alternatives
Vintage Car Safety Film: Anatomy of an Accident (1960s)
Automobile safety is the study and practice of vehicle design, construction, and equipment to minimize the…
Understanding Chiropractic Care for Fibromyalgia
Some patients fear that chiropractic care for fibromyalgia may aggravate pain. But it is both safe and proven to…
Dr. Terren Klein MD PA | Orthopedic Surgeon
Terren D. Klein, a Board Certified Orthopedic Surgeon who provides excellent orthopedic treatment, procedures and…
5 Best Workouts For Chronic Pain
If you have fibromyalgia, you know what it’s like to live with the chronic pain and stiffness it can cause.…
Fibromyalgia: An Elusive Illness
Millions of Americans are affected by fibromyalgia, a mysterious debilitating disorder. Here’s what is known…
5 Ways To Control Fibromyalgia With Diet
Fibromyalgia, a chronic disease that causes pain and swelling in more than a dozen points all over the body,…
Study Finds Chiropractic Benefits Fibromyalgia
A new study from Egypt reports that chiropractic care can be an effective treatment strategy for fibromyalgia…
Treatments For Fybromyalgia: Chiropractic Care
Though often termed an alternative treatment, chiropractic care is now becoming more accepted by the mainstream…
Fibromyalgia: How Chiropractic Can Help
Fibromyalgia is a widespread condition. Some investigators estimate as many as 2% of the general population in the…