
Adjustable Bed Benefits: EP Chiropractic Rehabilitation Center

Getting healthy sleep can be difficult when dealing with back problems or recovering from surgery. It can be difficult, if not… Read More

February 8, 2023

Rear End Collision Injuries: EP’s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Team

The NHTSA records show that rear-end collisions are the most common and make up 30% of all traffic accidents, crashes,… Read More

February 6, 2023

Iliopsoas Muscle Injury: EP Chiropractic Rehabilitation Team

The iliopsoas muscle is a primary hip flexor that assists in the femur's external rotation and maintains the hip joint's… Read More

January 20, 2023

IBD Back Symptoms: EP’s Chiropractic Functional Fitness Team

Inflammatory bowel disease, or IBD, causes inflammation of the digestive tract lining, which often involves the deeper layers. Gastrointestinal or… Read More

January 10, 2023

Power Walking: EP’s Chiropractic Functional Fitness Team

Power walking is a fast-paced walking activity quicker than a typical walking pace. It is an exercise technique emphasizing speed… Read More

December 20, 2022

Idiopathic Scoliosis: EP’s Chiropractic Rehabilitation Team

Idiopathic scoliosis means that no cause congenital or neuromuscular that created the spinal deformation has been identified. However, idiopathic scoliosis… Read More

December 16, 2022

Pinched Nerves and Muscle Spasms: Chiropractic Rehabilitation

Pinched Nerves and Muscle Spasms: A pinched or compressed nerve can occur in various body regions, from the wrist to… Read More

December 15, 2022

Healthy Posture Guidelines: EPs Chiropractic Rehabilitation Team

Healthy Posture Guidelines: Posture is how an individual holds their body. Healthy posture is when minimal stress is applied to… Read More

December 14, 2022

Skiing Training: Chiropractic Functional Fitness

Skiing sports require balance, strength, endurance, and muscle power. It is recommended to start training for ski season about eight… Read More

December 6, 2022