PUSH as Rx

Effortlessly Weight Loss Techniques | El Paso, TX (2021)


In today’s podcast, Dr. Alex Jimenez DC and Push Fitness owner, Daniel Alvarado discuss the importance of weight loss and how motivation is one of the fundamental elements to achieve overall health and wellness.



Dr. Alex Jimenez introduces today’s podcast topic on weight loss.


[00:00:00] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: As we go into this process, we start dealing with your ADHD and start working with the process of actually dealing with your learning techniques as we continue. Today, we will be talking about that you indicated you want to discuss the continued weight loss. This weight loss that we’re talking about is we’re bringing together the component that we did last week, which was we discussed deciding why you want to lose weight. Deciding how to start. And deciding how to keep your goals, as you remember. But today is what we’re going to do. You and I, we’re going to talk specifically about how to maintain continued weight loss. Now I know you got some excellent ideas as we do this here at Push. We evaluate each person as you talked about, but you discuss how you work with each individual and adapt their diets and plan. But usually, people hit a local wall. But tell me a bit of what you wanted to discuss regarding the continuous weight loss process because I know that was very important to you.



PUSH Fitness owner, Daniel Alvarado explains how motivation plays a huge part in weight loss.


[00:01:12] Daniel Alvarado: Well, I think it’s like with everything else, the moment you stop seeing progress, you tend to get a little discouraged, you know? Extreme example right now, with everything going on in the stock market, people want to sell because you get scared. They want to dump everything, and because they don’t see any progress, you know? And so, when people don’t see improvement, they get scared. So often, they react in fear, and it’s not so much because they can’t or is not willing to or don’t want to because usually there are the effects of anxiety overcome their self motivating thoughts of what can be. You see, they lose track of what they can be instead of what they can’t be. And people forget to understand that every single millionaire or billionaire fit person lost 100 or 200 pounds. They had to overcome that mental block of understanding where they weren’t or where they wanted to be. And if they knew they pursued that without ever stopping or digressing, they could get there.


[00:02:28] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Don’t ever give it up is what I’m getting there. Don’t ever give up. Keep on pushing, right? Right, exactly. So let me ask you someone who’s going through a diet about where the sticking point where most people you’ve seen or the types of individuals that you see sticking points, where do you see the sticking point, and how do you guide them through the sticking point?


[00:02:45] Daniel Alvarado: Usually, the most common sticking point is the initial eight to 12-pound water weight loss, which is kind of elusive because if you cut out any carbs, you’re going to lose weight because it’s like removing a sponge that doesn’t absorb water. So all those carbs are kind of like sponges. So every time you eat, when you drink water, retains that water, so it soaks that up, right? So, where does the water go? Just stay inside because it’s a sponge until you what? Ring it out. Then you get rid of that water. So initially, when you clean up your cell, cut some carbs, stuff like that, that’s what the Atkins stuff like that works so great. But they often don’t give you a, I guess, direction or help you understand. All right, after this 12-pound weight loss of water weight because then you got to make sure that you’ve got to stick with it because, in the next week or two, you might not see any weight loss at all. And that’s where people have to stick through, regardless of the pain, regardless of what they don’t see on the scale, but how they perceive themselves. It’s one of those things like the hill. You can always see what’s over the hill, but you can get to the top of the hill. What is there for the majority of the time? Beauty and this endless beauty, whatever it is, lakes, forests, trees, whatever. But you have to get to the top to see the bigger picture of what can be.


[00:04:07] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: You and I discuss science a lot, and we discuss how the physiology level as to what’s current with each of your clients. One of the things that we deal with and work with is insulin. As you know, insulin is that beast that determines where the sodium is retained or not once you don’t have insulin because of the carbohydrates, no insulin, no sodium retention, no sodium retention, the initial weight loss from the water. So the process comes into the wall as the physiology changes and now starts turning into body fat. As that occurs, we got three or four days later where maybe a week later, when you’re hit at that moment, there’s a psychology to that process so that once you hit that wall, how do you help them get past that? And what do we do in terms of breaking that sticking point when they hit that wall when their physiology kind of, you know, stops and says, we’re going to get it on now, let’s get it on with the physiology.


[00:05:05] Daniel Alvarado: Well, I help them, maybe you realize it from a psychological standpoint, so I’ll give them the same, pretty much the very start of the work from day one when we first started. And then they’ll be like, Well, what am I keep doing the same thing. That’s because you keep making the same mistakes or going back; the same things will go back to the same starting point every single time until you figure out how to overcome that. So if you want to save about $200 in the month, right, but every week you’re saving 50, but you’re spending 40 50 one of them, you’re not going to save anything in a month. What are you going to have to do at the end of the month? Start all over again. Right? Start all over again. Start all over again. People get mad not because of the lack of progress but it’s the lack of inconsistency. And they understand if we stick through something just for a bit of longer, a little while, hey, I might get to the other side. But often, people don’t want to put in that work that allows you to become so successful because it takes some patience; it takes consistent things daily. There are things done daily overtime to give you those significant results that everybody’s looking for.


Daniel Alvarado explains how different workouts work with different individuals.


[00:06:27] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Got it, and when I’ve noticed one thing that I’ve been very it’s always cool to see every time I walk into this facility, it’s a beautiful facility. I notice that you change it up every day. It’s like, I think it’s you call it, WOD. Do you do a different WOD for people in terms of their weight loss program?


[00:06:46] Daniel Alvarado: Yes, I do. We’re very versatile in that aspect to ensure that not everybody’s doing the same thing. You have males looking to get stronger and females looking to lose weight, and you’re not going to give them the same workout because it just doesn’t make sense. Different results or goals require different types of workouts, weights, and cardiovascular routines, you know, things like that that allow you to reach that particular goal.


[00:07:15] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: You sometimes got athletes and even military veterans who have these new protocols have to pass. And now the military’s getting all crazy with their protocols, and they’re learning, and they’re readjusting their protocols in terms of your, let’s say, more athletic individual. How do you get them to penetrate the weight loss dynamics when they’re already used to? And they may be, let’s say, five percent what they want to lose bodyweight versus someone who wants to lose, let’s say, 15 to 20 percent additional weight loss. How do you approach those different approaches?


[00:07:51] Daniel Alvarado: As far as work out, well, obviously, the workouts may not be as long; it might require less time in the gym with different types of dietary restrictions. There are various ways of approaching one person and approaching the other as far as the psychological aspect. Some people respond more to the extreme, you know, the yelling motivation, high-intensity things like that, whereas others don’t like that. So you might have to motivate them from a different aspect as far as encouraging words, positive, long-lasting comments during that hour to ensure they stay with you and accept you. It’s all about the psychology of how you approach each individual. In contrast, I yell to you, which might work, whereas if I go to another person, that might scare them off and intimidate them. And if you can focus and harness that on how to focus on each individual’s personality and the way they’re motivated, then their chance for success increases substantially.


[00:08:57] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: In that respect. How do you determine the difference between someone who’s mentally strong? How do you find that top endpoint? How do you see when they hit that point not to surpass it and to kind of push it to the next level? What do you do? And what’s your, let’s say, short-term, let’s say, over the next couple of weeks versus the next couple of days or the individual’s long-term plan? How do you look at that?


[00:09:25] Daniel Alvarado: First, you develop a baseline for them. Suppose they haven’t workout in a year. You can’t have them go zero to 100 on day one, so maybe have them go zero to 10 week one and then 10 to 20 week two and so on. Whereas on the fourth week now, you can push them to ensure that they’re not going to hate you for it, but then they feel accomplished and let them know, look, everything you’ve done for the last couple of weeks has led up to this. Look at what you just did, and it allows them to see. Wow, I’ve never thought I could do that. OK, and you have the athlete similar that you understand what drives them. The yelling is positive encouragement, things like that. But everything’s with a baseline. It’s a lot of trial and error, and it’s one of those things that you learn how to tell an individual’s physique the moment they walk in, how they walk in their persona. And then, from there, you’re better able to calculate how you can address their approach and what will be the most effective option for them.


The Hip to Waist Ratio

Dr. Alex Jimenez and Daniel Alvarado discuss how the hip to waist ratio plays a role in the body.


[00:10:32] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: In terms of quantifying their weight loss. How often do you measure and re-measure, and what kind of methods do you do or have you used in the past that assist you in quantifying the changes in their body composition?


[00:10:47] Daniel Alvarado: Generally, we weigh and pounds and measure the waist.


[00:10:54] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*:  The waist? What do you look for there?


[00:10:55] Daniel Alvarado: Usually waist to hip ratio to ensure it’s their waist is not bigger than their hips, so they’re not prone to diabetes, heart conditions, things like that to ensure that they stay healthy. Because even though you can look like you’re losing weight, you might be unhealthy internally. Blood pressure, cholesterol, triglycerides, all that play into effect. So we use those ways to ensure they’re progressively decreasing in weight and reaching their goals, which I do weekly to ensure that we keep them accountable because we can come. And sometimes, you know, people forget what they’re trying to accomplish because, you know, everybody likes to have fun. And the whole point is to enjoy and have fun and enjoy life without being so constrained. But finding that balance, that perfect balance for you.


[00:11:50] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: You know, you mentioned some pointers. It’s not to me to be talking about your measuring pretty much from metabolic syndrome, weight, waist circumference, you know, high blood pressure, blood glucose, you know, triglycerides and HDL, so to speak, as we look at those particular markers. And someone ultimately that has, let’s say, metabolic syndrome, they just don’t feel right as they approach the fitness centers. Let’s just say we deal with someone coming in today, and they’re just feeling bad. How do we walk them through the process, and then how do we maintain them through all the changes? Because it’s the first time, you worked out, man. Your body goes through a lot of changes, from swelling to losing water to sleeping issues. How do you help them through that process? Because it’s enormous. It’s a significant change to the body. 


[00:12:39] Daniel Alvarado: It’s communication. You can’t have them read a whole book on health and sciences in one day. So it’s all just communication, continuous communication daily. How they’re feeling, why are they feeling, how are they sleeping, how are they eating, you know, things like that. There is no particularly correct answer just for that question because it’s so broad. But the most important thing is an effective person who’s willing to communicate with you about all your physiological concerns.


[00:13:08] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: You know, being close to the coach is very important. You’ve always been one that communicates very well with your clients. I see you texting nonstop, and you don’t stop. You’re always in reach. What kind of questions do you get when people are having a rough day?


[00:13:26] Daniel Alvarado: I mean, pretty much I don’t feel like working out. Hey, I’m going to take the week off, or I didn’t sleep good or feel bloated or, you know, things like that, just anything that allows them, I mean, normal human conditions that keep us from progressing forward. It’s from the everyday. I’m too tired. I had a long day at work. I’m stressed, my mental stress, but they just come in. They’ll feel that much better as long as they make that decision because the more excuses they create for themselves, it just gets easier and easier. And you know, it’s just within every aspect of life. The more reasons you give yourself, the easier it is to put things off.


[00:14:13] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: One of the characteristics of the people who succeeded in the programs you do over the years, how long is it before they get like they go from a state of like being unfit to fit? How long do you notice when their machinery kind of their mental machinery, their physiologic machinery has engaged like, you know, they’re going to show up now? But it was a rough ride in the beginning. Like at what point? I know the simple answer would be, let’s assume it’s is. It happens differently for everybody. But when are you noticing like, you know, if you just stick to it this long, OK, you’re going to take off on your own.


The Six-Week Check-Up

Daniel Alvarado explains how the six-week check-up can help a person continue to achieve overall health.


[00:14:52] Daniel Alvarado: Usually six weeks.


[00:14:54] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Six weeks. OK, yes.


[00:14:54] Daniel Alvarado:  Usually, six weeks is the breaking point where people either fall off or continue for it. That’s precisely why they need to continue going forward over that hump. A lot of the time is that all they need, that little push over six weeks.


[00:15:09] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: You know, I think everybody’s seen this over the years. They see the beginning of the gym. Every year, everyone comes up with that, you know, desire for the beginning of the year. The wishes, the changes, the goals that yearly goals, everyone shows up at the gym, and within, like you, say, around a month to six weeks, they’re gone. But how do we get someone through that? How do we get to what ideas and tidbits they want? Can we give someone in terms of those moments in time to push beyond what everybody else would or most people would give up on?


[00:15:41] Daniel Alvarado: Testimonials as far as people have succeeded in the past. Ways to attain their goals. People give you excuses, so make sure you have a list of ways to accommodate for that. So you constantly change your work schedule? OK, well, you can come at this time or try to do this and that. So give them solutions for every problem. The more answers you can provide yourself, the easier it will be for them to continue moving forward.


Supporting Each Other

Dr. Alex Jimenez and Daniel Alvarado explain how supporting each other can motivate weight loss.


[00:16:08] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Family? Family involvement? What do you do in terms of that? Do you get spouses involved?


[00:16:16] Daniel Alvarado: I generally leave that up to the individual, but with anything different, you have to have a supportive circle in and around you, and sometimes you find resistance. So being the change in the resistance to be better for yourself is the best thing I can tell you to focus on because there’s always going to be somebody or something around you trying to say to you, Well, why are you getting fit or why are you doing this? Why are you doing that, you know? And if you know what you want, why you want, and how you’re going to get there, then all around you, you shouldn’t let the environment change. You should change the environment that surrounds you.


[00:16:58] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: You know, I noticed that the results motivate people when they see the changes. How long is it before you do a reassessment and to sort of say, you know what? Look, you’re down three, five, 10 inches. How long do you wait?


[00:17:12] Daniel Alvarado: Usually, we do that on about a weekly basis. And then we take that together, and we do it before and after pictures every four weeks.


[00:17:21] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Daniel, when it comes to diet, as it is hugely important to this process, it’s not just fitness; it’s the majority of what you are, and the choices are when we get home. What kind of diet protocols or programs is a ketogenic diet is? Is it intermittent fasting? Is it the Mediterranean? What variety of styles do you like putting an individual through? And what are your decisions between, let’s say, those three a ketogenic diet, an intermittent diet, and let’s say Mediterranean diet? How do you focus on choosing?


[00:17:52] Daniel Alvarado: Honestly, I think it’s all crap.


[00:17:54] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Ok.


[00:17:57] Daniel Alvarado:  I think it’s all geared toward marketing gimmicks. OK. And so you want keto or no keto? Carbs or just no carbs? If you are vegan, we will adjust it, so it’s all a matter of whatever you follow. As long as you’re losing weight and being healthy, it doesn’t matter. Works for your lifestyle. If you are on your carb cycle, then carb cycle. Your high fat, low fat, high fat, low fat. But as long as you’re healthy and getting blood work and it is working for you, then that’s OK. I don’t appreciate it when people say, “Oh, you have to go vegan. You don’t have to go vegan. You have to do this.” No, you don’t have to do that. Do what’s best for your lifestyle? Period.


[00:18:36] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: You know, it’s enormous because each of these diets has an application in certain people, in specific environments. You can’t if you’re a physical guy and you work in the machinery, you know, try doing a ketogenic diet, where it just falls apart. So if your lifestyle is one where you can’t be on a regimen of eating, then intermittent fasting sometimes becomes a little bit complexly. So I appreciate that because that’s the truth, and it is the truth in determining what’s best for the individual. Well, what other things do you do in terms of it here at this facility, in your approach to continuous how to keep them going? 


Setting Up Goals

PUSH Fitness owner, Daniel Alvarado explains that setting up small goals helps with weight loss.


[00:19:20] Daniel Alvarado: I mean, we all we kind of constantly keep up to base on a weekly schedule. How people are doing, how they’re doing, and how they’re progressing, so we make sure that they keep a journal or daily journal or a weekly journey to ensure that they’re meeting specific goals. So again, weekly goals, whether it’s 1 pound, two pounds, three pounds, whether it’s giving up Coke, whether it’s giving up fast food, is it giving up bread, whatever it is, small goals that keep them shooting forward. It’s like, how do you keep kids or people that are working motivated? You keep them going by giving them small incentives or rewards for every goal they meet, and that’s probably been the most effective.


[00:20:08] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Well, I’ll tell you what, I think this is going to be a whole lot of people happy to hear this kind of stuff, but at least once or twice a week will be putting in these nuggets of information. Weight loss is an essential subject matter to a lot of people. Is there anything you want to leave people in terms of thinking that or they’re on the edge of trying to weight loss? How to, you know trigger them or what they could expect to see when they come here?


[00:20:35] Daniel Alvarado: Just that everything you start in life will be a challenge, but the longer you stick with something, the more rewarding it will be. Just don’t give up before you see the results that you’re looking for.


[00:20:48] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: You know, many of the president’s even Roosevelt, had that famous speech when things got crazy, and the world looked like it was changing even the story behind. Today we’re being, you know, inundated with a lot of health care issues. Viruses are one of the topics of hand. We don’t want to give up. We want to be vigilant in every aspect of that. So I think preparation is the whole process. And to have someone on your side like these cats, it’s incredible. And I watch, I mean, particularly on my side, I see how much everybody appreciates this. And this is a family that is tight and appreciated. And I know there are many people out there going to be excited to hear other points. What are we going to talk about next in the future? What do you want to talk about? What do you think the people want to talk about?


Dr. Alex Jimenez and Daniel Alvarado recap on today’s podcast.


[00:21:35] Daniel Alvarado: That’s a good question.


[00:21:37] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: I think that’s an excellent question. And by the way, we have gone live, and I don’t think Daniel knew about it, but we went live today, and he’s going to punch me as he gets off the phone right here.


[00:21:48] Daniel Alvarado: No, I knew. Yeah. I hope everybody can see honesty. Yeah. You have good days, bad days. You have your off days, and you have your on days. And as far as like, no one should ever tell you to like how to feel, what to feel or anything like that. As long as you’re positive and you have a good attitude, the people around you should encourage you when you’re down. People should inspire you and vice versa. It’s you go, and I go type of goal. You give, I give, and we help each other. You know, if you’re looking for anyone, everyone to constantly pull you along, well, that’s all you can do. People are going to pull you ahead, and the moment they stop pulling you. Well, guess what? You are going to be left behind. So the whole goal is to encourage someone. If you feel down, encourage someone else, take them to the gym. Maybe they might be the positive outlet you need to help you keep going forward, but find ways to keep moving forward and progressing and being accountable to each other.


[00:22:43] Dr. Alex Jimenez DC*: Well, thank you. We’ll leave it there, and we’ll probably be here for next week. And God bless and Daniel, thank you so much for your insights and thoughts, man, because it’s huge to us. Thank you.



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The information herein on "Effortlessly Weight Loss Techniques | El Paso, TX (2021)" is not intended to replace a one-on-one relationship with a qualified health care professional or licensed physician and is not medical advice. We encourage you to make healthcare decisions based on your research and partnership with a qualified healthcare professional.

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Our information scope is limited to Chiropractic, musculoskeletal, physical medicines, wellness, contributing etiological viscerosomatic disturbances within clinical presentations, associated somatovisceral reflex clinical dynamics, subluxation complexes, sensitive health issues, and/or functional medicine articles, topics, and discussions.

We provide and present clinical collaboration with specialists from various disciplines. Each specialist is governed by their professional scope of practice and their jurisdiction of licensure. We use functional health & wellness protocols to treat and support care for the injuries or disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

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We understand that we cover matters that require an additional explanation of how it may assist in a particular care plan or treatment protocol; therefore, to further discuss the subject matter above, please feel free to ask Dr. Alex Jimenez, DC, or contact us at 915-850-0900.

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Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, MSACP, RN*, CCST, IFMCP*, CIFM*, ATN*

email: coach@elpasofunctionalmedicine.com

Licensed as a Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) in Texas & New Mexico*
Texas DC License # TX5807, New Mexico DC License # NM-DC2182

Licensed as a Registered Nurse (RN*) in Florida
Florida License RN License # RN9617241 (Control No. 3558029)
Compact Status: Multi-State License: Authorized to Practice in 40 States*
Presently Matriculated: ICHS: MSN* FNP (Family Nurse Practitioner Program)

Dr. Alex Jimenez DC, MSACP, RN* CIFM*, IFMCP*, ATN*, CCST
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